Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It was a dark and stormy afternoon ...

Actually, the sun has now come out. But this is my first blog post, so the air feels full of portent.

Some writers are more relaxed about this kind of thing than others.

I write children's books. I read children's books, too. But I probably read more adult fiction. There is no reason for this.

It just is.

Sometimes, the best thing about a book is the poem at the front. Here's one I just read in a wonderful book An Unfinished Life by Mark Spragg. I cannot recommend it highly enough. When I teach myself how to link titles to Amazon, I will.

For now, here's the poem. Even if I didn't know a few elderly people who have died lately, I'd still love it.

There is nothing like a perfect poem to make a writer feel humble.

It's called Not Dying:

These wrinkles are nothing.
These gray hairs are nothing.
This stomach which sags
with old food, these bruised
and swollen ankles,
my darkening brain,
they are nothing.
I am the same boy
my mother used to kiss.


  1. Yay! I can't wait to read your wise and witty words here.

  2. I want to read the hysteria part you left out.


  3. So you, too, have come over to the dark side, eh?? A blog of your own. Very nice. Can't wait to read the good words you'll share.

  4. Actually, this feels like the diary I never dared keep because I knew one of my siblings would be reading it before the ink dried on the page. Funny, considering the fact that it's on the Internet. But writing about reading and books and writing feels like a natural.

    Expect no salacious news here.

  5. Well, then, I guess there's no need to follow anymore...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hahaha, nice George. I like that poem Stephie! I agree about the poems (or often quotes) at the beginning of books...I always enjoy them in a special way.
